
Showing posts with label Bipolar Disorder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bipolar Disorder. Show all posts

Friday, 2 November 2012

Life is What You Make it by Preeti Shenoy

Second book by Preeti Shenoy "Life is What You Make it". It’s a Very Good book; twisted in love games, mixed feelings and achieving after losing everything. Book is about the mental illness called Bipolar Disorder; don't take it as a 'lunatic' or 'crazy', it is just an ordinary illness which can be cured easily by love and care. Preeti has tried to give a good inspiration to people by this book.

Life is what you make it Cover
Life is what you make it Cover

Story is about girl, Ankita, her life, her problems and her feelings. It starts when her first love moves to IIT and she takes St. Agnes. In cultural event she meets Abhishek, to whom she avoids in some sense but kinda start liking him. The story goes at this pace until she decides to move to Bombay for MBA braking Abhi's heart. The very next day he was found dead in the lake and reports show that he was heavily drunk. She was really set back by this but she moves on to Bombay for MBA. Everything was going right until her parents founds love letters and burns them. That was the stage when her mental illness starts shoeing its effects. After that it contiues, doctors after docters, until she was admitted in mental hospital, where she has another birth. It is good inspiring story especially the last 100 pages which are about her days in hospital.

The only drawback about the book is it has a pretty boring start and also Ankita's early life narration was not that good, but half of the book is very well narrated. In all very good book one should read it.